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主营:SIEMENS Allen-Bradley

☆Q Q:1293858601


1756-DNBA-B 1756-CNBR 1 通讯模块 PLC
1756-CP3 1 功能单元名称 PLC
1756-OW16I A-B 1756-BA1 10 PLC
1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
1756-ENBT 3 通讯模块 PLC
1756-TBCH 15 PLC A-B 1756-BA1 10 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 3 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1746-A7 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1746-A10 4 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1746-A13 8 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1746-A7 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1746-IB16 15 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1746-IB32 5 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1746-IM16 15 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1746-N2 10 PLC
A-B 1746-NO4I 1 模拟量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1746-OB16 14 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1746-OB32 10 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1746-OW16 15 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1746-P4 5 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1747-L541 2 可编程终端 PLC
A-B 1747-L542 3 可编程终端 PLC
A-B 1756-A10 7 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 2 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 9 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 5 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IB32 8 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 4 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 12 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 1 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBNH 15 PLCA-B 1756-A7 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 5 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 8 PLC底板 PLCA-B
1756-A10 10 PLC底板 PLC
1756-OB32 15 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OF8 8 模拟量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 10 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-A10 7 PLC底板 PLC 

PLC (3)

A-B 1746-OB16 1 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1746-P2 15 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 2 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 10 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 2 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 10 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 9 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 1 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-CP3 1 功能单元名称 PLC
A-B 1747-L542 2 可编程终端 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 3 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 5 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A10 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-IB32 8 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 4 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 1 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 1 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 1 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 12 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 3 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OW16I 3 数字量输入/输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OF8 8 模拟量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 9 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 1 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBNH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBNH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 1 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-CP3 1 功能单元名称 PLC
A-B 1756-OW16I 3 数字量输入/输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 10 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 3 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBNH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-A10 7 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 2 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 9 PLC
A-B 1756-CNBR 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 5 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IB32 8 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 4 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 12 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 1 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-TBCH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-TBNH 15 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 5 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-IB32 8 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 5 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 2 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 15 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OF8 8 模拟量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 10 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 3 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 5 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A10 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-IB32 8 数字量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-A13 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-A7 3 PLC底板 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 4 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-BA1 1 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 2 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-ENBT 1 通讯模块 PLC
A-B 1756-IF8 1 模拟量输入模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 12 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-L62 1 CPU单元 PLC
A-B 1756-OB32 3 数字量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OW16I 3 数字量输入/输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-OF8 8 模拟量输出模块 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 9 电源单元 PLC
A-B 1756-PA72 1 电源单元 PLC
1756sc-CTR8 8通道计数器/流量计
1756sc-OF8H 8通道HART协议模拟量IO
1756sc-IF8u 8通道同样模拟量输入模块,可以配置为电压、电流、RTD、热电偶、热电阻。
1769sc-OF4IH 4通道HART协议模拟量IO
1769sc-IF8u 8通道同样模拟量输入模块,可以配置为电压、电流、RTD、热电偶、热电阻。
1769sc-IR6I 6路热电阻、电阻输入
1769sc-IT6I 6路热电偶、毫伏输入模块
1734sc-IF4U 4通道的电压电流输入模块;3通道的带冷端补偿的热电偶模块;2通道的热电阻、电阻输入模块
1734sc-IE2CH 2/4通道的模拟量输入模块,带HART协议
1734sc-OE2ICH 2通道隔离模拟量输出模块,带HART协议
1762sc-IF8u 8通道的通用模拟量模块,可配置为电压、电流、热电偶,或4通道的热电阻/电阻;可以混合使用
1762sc-IF4OF4 4通道的电压、电流;2通道热电偶输入;4通道的电压、电流输出
1762sc-OF8 8通道的电压、电流输出模块
1746sc-NI8u 8通道同样模拟量输入模块,可以配置为电压、电流、RTD、热电偶、热电阻
1746sc-CTR4 4 通道中速 50KHz 计数器和流量计
1746sc-CTR8 8 通道中速 50KHz 计数器和流量计
1746sc-INI4vi 4 通道隔离型模拟量输入(电压或电流)
1746sc-INI4i 4 通道隔离型模拟量输入 (电流)
1746sc-INO4vi 4 通道隔离型模拟量输出(电压或电流)
1746sc-INO4i 4 通道隔离型模拟量输出 (电流)
1746sc-IA8I 8通道隔离的AC/DC输入(100/120V)
1746sc-IB8I 8通道隔离的DC输入(24Vdc)
1746sc-IC8I 8通道隔离的DC输入(48Vdc)
1746sc-IM8I 8通道隔离的AC/DC输入(200/240V)
1746sc-OAP8I 8通道隔离多相交流可控输出 (74-276V), 每一路均由熔断丝保护
1746-NO8v 8 通道电压输出
1746-NO8I 8 通道电流输出
2080sc-IF4u 4通道的电压、电流;3通道热电偶输入;2通道4线制RTD或4通道两线制RTD,电阻
2080sc-OW2IHC 2通道10安培的继电器输出模块

Don't win, can not say war;Don't have to pull out, can't attack.Otherwise, although punishment discredited also.The letter in front of the stage, in megabytes.So the gathering is not empty, soldiers have not ACTS, for the enemy if his deceased son, if enemy to save drowning people.(points) [prison] no war heart risks, (pick) [this] without the air war, fight wars are no soldier.

Fight with righteous, [from] you (should) I;Make an enemy, for private (should) [your] having to resort to;Hatred junction (although) [difficult], after your stay.So the race will be stay, interest rates will be ready.

Soldiers rather than the court, is better than a wilderness, have is better than a street.Bucket [, were] is broken, her love to run, this unpreparedness to those awe and QuSheng also.QuSheng, all also.Not all the winner, the right to name.Therefore, Ming battle against [the], a drum with [Angle], section with a lance, not winning and winning.

Soldiers have to prepare toru wei and winners, with its application also.Have used is determined by the early, also its enemies also week, the total rate can also be.So the five men and five, ten, one hundred people died, rate of one thousand people, ten thousand people and will have (use) [weeks] very.Its toward death dynasty, sunset sunset dead generations.The enemy will review, and then there's.

Therefore whoever set ten day soldier li, in a day, DiJing will set.Who will come together, deep into the ground, wrong it from you, and live the city dayi, that the board of city crisis, number of men and women, the terrain, and attacked the fort.According to the cities and several way, thereby.Enemy generals can't believe, can't LiZu, punishment is the follower, then I lost it.Save not to the enemy, and a city has been reduced.

Induced without fort not repair, city risks have a canal did not answer, is the city without keep yi.Not into the fort far, did not return our guest, though some unmanned yi.Animals did not gather, the grain not received, money by not folding, though investors have information., cities and empty investors do, and I for its deficiency.Method of yue: "alone out alone into the enemy while blade!"This is called also.



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